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Satarkul Branch
Uttara Branch (Junior Campus)
Uttara Branch (Senior Campus)

The new date for the STEAM Carnival: 9th December 2023

The new date for the STEAM Carnival: 9th December 2023

Dear Parent and Students:
Please be informed that the STEAM Carnival previously scheduled for 19th of October 2023 has been postponed. 
The new date for the STEAM Carnival is: 9th of December 2023.
We have shifted the date to provide more time for subject classes, assignment completion and Exam preparation for the upcoming MidTerm Examinations. We have also scheduled Practice Tests on Oct 17, 18, and 19 on English, Math and Science (Checkpoint Subjects) so that students can also practice writing full-length tests before the Term Examination in November. 
Students can plan their projects after the Mid Term Exams for the Inter-school STEAM Carnival to be held at Glenrich School in December.
Kind regards,
Glenrich School Dhaka