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Satarkul Branch
Uttara Branch (Junior Campus)
Uttara Branch (Senior Campus)

Dear Students,

As you prepare to take on the Board exams, I want to extend my warmest wishes and heartfelt congratulations on making it this far in your academic journey. These exams will be a significant milestone in your life, and I have no doubt that your hard work and dedication will pay off.

In the coming days, remember to stay focused, calm, and positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don’t let any fears or doubts hold you back. These exams are not just a test of your academic knowledge, but also a testament to your perseverance, determination, and resilience.

I know you’ve put in countless hours of study and preparation, and I am confident that you will do your very best. Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated, and get enough rest to ensure that you are in the best possible shape to perform to your fullest potential.

Please go through these important pointers to be followed during exam days-

Before you set off:

Things to bring to the exam room:


When the exam starts:

Upon completion of the exam:

After the exams

Reporting of Incidents

I wish you all the success and good luck in your Board exams.

Best Wishes

Dr Shivananda CS


Glenrich School Dhaka