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Glenrich Junior School Paid Club Announcement!

Glenrich Junior School Paid Club Announcement!

Are you passionate about mastering your skills in the areas you are fascinated with? Or do you simply wish to be more fit and healthy? Do you want to explore the inner Artist and get your hands on colorful learning experiences?

Look no further! We are thrilled to announce that various Club registrations are happening where the world of Sports, Fitness, and Art come together in your very own School.


The Academy promises the Improvement of sports personality and physical fitness of your ward/s. Upgrade in Physical and tactical efficiency and with proper guidance and training. Alongside, they enhance their mental abilities, and build them into stronger and more motivated people. Our Academy offers Basketball, Table Tennis & gymnastics for the students.

  • Age Group 1:7-12 years, Age Group 2: 13-19 years 
  • Registration Fee:2000/-
  •      3 Months Course of per Sports:6000/- (2000 per month)
  • 2 Days/weekTiming:4 PM to 5.30 PM (Thursday), 10 AM to 11.30 AM (Saturday) 
  • Registration Link:https://forms.gle/GpEPj4QeDTfEjriJ8

YOGA CLUB (for female Parents & Teachers) 

Yoga helps to relieve stress, promotes physical & mental well-being, and allows one to learn to handle challenging situations calmly.

Yoga also teaches us to maintain a healthy lifestyle that ensures good health. Professional Experts along with our very own Ms. Shahina Aker Shikha, the swimming coach who is certified by YTTC (Yoga Teachers Training Certification).

  • Registration Fee:2000/-
    ·        3 Months Course7500/- (2500 per month)
    ·        3 Days/week: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday 
    ·        Timing: 3 PM to 4 PM
    ·        Registration Link:  https://forms.gle/nxgtyZBq6yLdxNa46


Beginners Level

 Aged 5-7

Intermediate to Advanced level

Aged 8-12

Objectives:Typing, MS Paint, Ms Word, Scratch Programming basic, Kturtle Objectives:Scratch Programming, Mobile App Development, HTML, CSS, Animation/ Videos, MSWLogo

3 Months Course

8 classes per month x 3= 24 classes = 24 hours 8 classes per month x 3 = 24 classes= 24 hours
• Tk 6000/- per student
( 3 months x 2000= tk 6000)
• Tk 7500/- per student
( 3 months x 2500= tk 7500)



Through this Club, the young Artists can develop and enhance their psychomotor skills with Arts and crafts and explore their creativity. It also gives opportunities and freedom to the students to try new things. It will provide a learning experience that develops the student’s aesthetic and artistic skills, confidence and practice, and art and design appreciation. It will further amplify their ability to appreciate, respond, enjoy, value, create, and communicate through art and design.

  • Age Level:5 to 8 years old
  • 3 Months Course:4500/- (1500 per month)
  • 2 Days/week: Monday, Tuesday 
  • Timing:3 PM to 4 PM
  • Registration Link: https://forms.gle/xP1p7cMqznYpMYZJ8


Payments can be made via cash at our Junior School Accounts Sections. Details are given in the Registration Forms. All the clubs will start once we have a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 20 students in each club. Clubs will start on Saturday, 4th November 2023. For further queries please feel free to email the Event Coordinator, Ms. Naza Binte Asif ([email protected])

~ Regards ~

Glenrich School Dhaka