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Satarkul Branch
Uttara Branch (Junior Campus)
Uttara Branch (Senior Campus)

Resuming Book Borrowing Services at Junior School Library

Resuming Book Borrowing Services at Junior School Library

Dear Parents and Students,

We are very glad to inform you that we are going to resume library book borrowing service from Tuesday, 26th of July 2022.

Students are requested to follow the below mentioned procedures to borrow a book from the Library:

-Students will have to submit the “Parents’ Consent Form” and need to carry their current session RFID card to borrow a book from the Library.

– Grades 1-4 students can borrow books and in the library during their Library Class On their ON-CAMPUS class days.

-To come to the Library students will have to use only the middle stairway (beside Lift).


Best wishes

Sumona Karim

Head of Junior School

Glenrich School Dhaka

Click Here to Download Consent Form-Jr School Library