Activities for the Month of February 2024

Activities for the Month of February 2024 Junior School Feb-24 7 We Field Trip- KG I & KG II Primary Inter House Cricket Tournament 8 Th Field Trip- PG & Nursery 12 Mo Field Trip Grade-4 13 Tu Welcoming Spring Celebration (Junior School) Primary Poster Making & Pitha Utshob SWC Annual BBQ Evening 14 We Saraswati Puja 15 Th Primary English Elocution Competition 16 Fr Pre- Primary Annual Sports 17 Sa Primary Annual Sports 18 Su Pre-Primary Parents’ Conference 19 Mo Pre-Primary Parents’ Conference Grade-3 Field Trip 20 Tu Pre-Primary Parents’ Conference IMLD Special Assembly & Flower Tribute to Shahid Minar 21 We International Mother Language Day 22 Th Primary Inter House Table Tennis Competition 23 Fr Weekend 24 Sa Pre-Primary Annual Concert 25 Su Primary Inter-School Music Competition (Audition Round) 28 We Grade-1 & 2 Field Trip 29 Th Primary Inter-School Music Competition (Final Round)   Senior Campus DATE ACTIVITY GRADE 12th FEBRUARY TALENT HUNT – DANCE MANIA GRADE 5 – 12 13th FEBRUARY STEAM CARNIVAL AWARD CEREMONY GRADE 5 – 9 19TH FEBRUARY DPS GOT MUSICIAN GRADE 5 – 12 20TH FEBRUARY INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY CELEBRATION GRADE 5 – 12 24TH FEBRUARY Glenrich CHEF MINISTER MOTHERS

সুবিধাবঞ্চিতদের জন্য ‘ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার’ কার্যক্রম শিক্ষার্থীদের

সুবিধাবঞ্চিতদের জন্য ‘ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার’ কার্যক্রম শিক্ষার্থীদের ডিপিএস এসটিএস স্কুল ঢাকার কম্যুনিটি ক্লাব তাদের নিয়মিত শীতকালীন প্রকল্প ‘ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার’র কার্যক্রম এ বছরও আয়োজন করেছে। সম্প্রতি ঢাকার উত্তরায় ক্লাবের সদস্য শিক্ষার্থীরা দরিদ্র নারী, পুরুষ ও শিশুদের মাঝে শীতকালীন প্রয়োজনীয় সামগ্রী বিতরণ করে। ২১ জন শিক্ষার্থীর একটি বিশেষ দলসহ ডিপিএস কম্যুনিটি ক্লাবের মূল সদস্যরা মিলে এ বছর মোট ১২ শ’ কম্বল এবং নানা ধরনের শীতবস্ত্র বিতরণ করেছেন। বিভিন্ন বয়সী নারী-পুরুষ এবং শিশু-বয়োজ্যেষ্ঠরা এই সহযোগিতা লাভে কৃতজ্ঞতা ও সন্তোষ প্রকাশ করেন। শিক্ষার্থীদের অংশগ্রহণে সফলভাবে পরিচালিত এই প্রকল্প প্রসঙ্গে স্কুলের প্রিন্সিপাল ড. শিবানন্দ সি এস বলেন, ‘শীতকালে সমাজের সুবিধাবঞ্চিত মানুষদের কষ্ট লাঘব করতে প্রতি বছর আমাদের শিক্ষার্থীরা ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার প্রজেক্ট আয়োজন করে। এর মাধ্যমে যারা প্রয়োজন থাকা সত্ত্বেও শীতের পোষাক, কান টুপি, স্কার্ফ ইত্যাদি কিনতে পারেন না, তাদের কষ্ট কমে আসে। ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের এমন সহানুভূতি এবং নিবেদিত প্রচেষ্টা আমাদেরকে সবসময়ই গর্বিত করে। ’ বিগত তিন বছর ধরে শীতার্তদের মাঝে উষ্ণতা ছড়িয়ে আসছে ডিপিএস এসটিএস কম্যুনিটি ক্লাবের এই ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার প্রকল্প। তীব্র ও বৈরী আবহাওয়া পরিস্থিতি মোকাবিলা করে দেশে প্রান্তিক জনগণের সুস্থভাবে টিকে থাকার জন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের এই সহযোগিতা কার্যক্রম পরিচালিত হয়। চলতি বছরে ডিপিএস এসটিএস স্কুল ঢাকার কম্যুনিটি ক্লাব বাংলাদেশ ইন্টারন্যাশনাল টিউটোরিয়াল (বিআইটি), দ্য আগা খান স্কুল এবং এসো পাশে দাঁড়াই ফাউন্ডেশনের সঙ্গে সম্মিলিতভাবে ‘ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার’র কার্যক্রম সম্পন্ন করেছে, যার ফলে এর প্রভাব তুলনামূলক বৃহত্তর পরিসরে আরও কার্যকর রূপে প্রতিফলিত হয়েছে। বাংলাদেশ সময়: ২১৫১ ঘণ্টা, জানুয়ারি ২৫, ২০২৪ News Link:  সুবিধাবঞ্চিতদের জন্য ‘ওয়ার্ম উইন্টার’ (

Registration for Maggi presents Glenrich Chef Minister 2024 – Now open!

Registration for Glenrich Chef Minister race now open Glenrich Chef Minister, the cooking competition for mothers in Bangladesh, is back once again! Mothers with dynamic culinary skills and passion can now register for the contest organized by Glenrich and showcase their expertise of preparing delectable dishes before everybody. The Glenrich Chef Minister 2024 will initially hold a cooking workshop, followed by the grand cook-off in the Gala round. Participation is open to all mothers residing in Bangladesh., says a press release. To be considered for the Grand Finale, all interested participants must attend the workshop, which will be conducted by a reputed chef. It will provide an opportunity for mothers to learn from the best and gain valuable tips and tricks to improve their cooking skills. The workshop will take place on February 06, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Glenrich Senior School Cafeteria. Later, the Grand Finale will be held on February 24, 2024, where the best cook will be selected as the Champion Mother. The winner will receive an exclusive professional certificate and trophy, along with the grand prize of BDT 100,000! “Last time we received great appreciation and saw enthusiastic participation from many mothers, who otherwise spend very busy and selfless times while ensuring the satisfaction of children and family members. We wanted to create a memorable experience for all the mothers, and at the same time help them build on their skills of home-style cooking. I hope this year, the workshop and the competition will be even more thrilling and joyful for those who are the heartbeats of our families”, said Dr Shivananda C S, Principal of Glenrich School. Maggi is the title sponsor of Glenrich Chef Minister 2024. Their support and partnership shall elevate this event to newer heights this year, making it a genuine opportunity for mothers who love to prepare mouthwatering dishes.  Participants will also receive professional certificates in recognition for their achievement and dedication to the art of cooking. Since very few spots are available in the competition Glenrich and Maggi encourages interested mothers to enroll right away! To register, please visit: Registration will take place in a first-come-first-serve basis. News Link: Registration for Glenrich Chef Minister race now open (

Glenrich Newsletters – January 2024

Glenrich Newsletters – January 2024 Pre-Primary School Newsletter – January 2024 Primary School Newsletter – January 2024 Lower-Secondary School Newsletter – January 2024 Upper-Secondary School Newsletter – January 2024

Online classes for Bishwa Ejtema (Junior School)

Online classes for Bishwa Ejtema (Junior School) Dear Parents,   Please be informed that we will be conducting online classes on Sunday, 4th and Sunday 11th February, 2024 as there are possibilities of significant traffic congestion due to the 1st and 2nd round of Bishwa Ijtema.  Sunday timetables will be followed for both days. Regular on campus classes will resume respectively on Mondays, 5th and 12th February 2024.  Thank you. Warm regards, Sumona Karim Vice Principal, Junior School Glenrich School Dhaka A Cambridge K-12 School

“The DPS Press” Second Edition

“The DPS Press” Second Edition Dear Concerned, Following the resounding success of our inaugural edition, I am thrilled to share news about the upcoming launch of the second edition of “The DPS Press.” Our dedicated team has poured their efforts into crafting another collection of insightful articles, noteworthy achievements, and compelling stories that continue to showcase our institution’s exceptional talent and commitment. We are kindly requesting your assistance once again, not only in publishing the second edition of “The DPS Press” across our school’s connected social media channels but also in facilitating its distribution to parents and the extended DPS family. Your support played a pivotal role in amplifying the reach of our first edition, and we believe that sharing the upcoming edition with our entire DPS community will further celebrate the remarkable efforts of our students and faculty. By featuring “The DPS Press” on our social media platforms, we aim to engage and inspire our school community while reaching a broader audience. Simultaneously, we would appreciate your assistance in ensuring the second edition is sent to parents and shared within the DPS family. The stories and accomplishments highlighted in this publication deserve recognition, and your cooperation in helping us share these narratives with both our school and extended community would be immensely valuable. We are confident that your continued support will contribute to the success of this initiative. Therefore, we kindly request your cooperation in facilitating the publication and distribution of the second edition of “The DPS Press.” Thank you very much for your ongoing support and cooperation. We appreciate your commitment to showcasing the achievements and talents within our institution. Warm regards, Nusrat Jahan  Head of Clubs    Please click on the link below to view “The DPS Press.” TDP VOLUME II  

Registration for Glenrich merit scholarship test open for next session

Registration for Glenrich merit scholarship test open for next session. Registration of Glenrich Merit Scholarship Test for Grades 9 and 11 is now open for the upcoming session (2024-25). Introduced in 2021, this scholarship program has been designed to create an opportunity for bright students from around the country to pursue education at Glenrich School Dhaka, according to a press release issued on Sunday. Students of Grades 8 and 10 (current session) from any school and any curriculum (Cambridge/ IB/ National/ Edexcel etc.) in Bangladesh or overseas can take this scholarship test. Registration for December cycle is now open and will continue till January 15, 2024. The assessment will take place at senior campus of Glenrich School located in Uttara on 20 January 2024. Interested learners can register through this link: Participants who will get a minimum percentage of 80% in the scholarship test (both in written and oral assessment) will be shortlisted for the final scholarship. Finally selected candidates will be offered up to 100% scholarships on their tuition fees based on their scores in the written test. Here is the link of the scholarship test curriculum and other details: The assessment will cover a wide range of subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Current Affairs, and Logical Reasoning (for scholarship in Grade 9) whereas for Grade 11 scholarship, candidates can choose any subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Accounting, and Economics. A negative marking system will be followed while assessing written part. Dr Shivananda CS, principal of Glenrich School Dhaka, said: “This scholarship program introduced by Glenrich School speaks of our commitment to promote inclusivity. We want to create opportunity for meritorious students who want to strive for academic excellence at DPS.” It is mentionable that around 200 students registered for this scholarship test in the last term. Two finally-selected students were granted a 50% waiver in their tuition fees through this scholarship program. Glenrich SCHOOL DHAKA News Link: Dhaka Tribune

How our schools could help make future leaders

How our schools could help make future leaders Are leaders born or made?” The debate about whether great leaders are born with the qualities or the skills to become great leaders can be developed through training and experience is age-old. Truth is that some individuals inherit traits that help them succeed as leaders. At the same time, just because someone is born with leadership qualities does not necessarily mean they will eventually become a strong leader. Recognized as one of the greatest coaches and leaders in the history of all American sports, Vince Lombardi once famously said, “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.” Time and again, we have witnessed that great leaders are shaped by the minds best fitted to prioritize developing the next generation. This is where the roles of schools come into play. The building blocks of leadership skills begin at schools through holistic learning, innovation-led curriculum, meaningful extracurricular activities, and more. But how can schools ensure that their students evolve into the current and future leaders of today’s digitized communities? Understand, nurture and evolve: Teachers, educators, and schools need to know their student’s personal stories, recognize strengths and vulnerability, and build deep relationships. The most successful students are shaped in schools that have the tools and mindset to develop a learning experience in which leadership is fostered, supported, empowered, and celebrated. The real journey starts with leveraging the students’ strengths and turning their weaknesses into potential, providing each and every student with ample opportunity to grow and flourish. Leading for impact with people-centric mindset: Leadership has little to do with the leader, and more about the people one leads. At its core, leadership is about connecting with people. A great way to teach students about leadership skills is by having them perform service for their communities. Learning how to volunteer and serve one’s own community is key to forming leadership skills. After all, supporting people at all costs is one of the core responsibilities of a leader. Practical and holistic skill development: Communication, adaptability, and problem-solving- all are crucial character traits of good leadership. However, when it comes to developing skills, it is more effective when done using practical methods. For instance, students with poor communication skills may be encouraged to take up public speaking exercises, or students who tend to get anxious about an issue at hand can be given more real-world problems to solve. Besides, group projects can also be a great way to practice collaboration, listening, and perseverance, which are all types of leadership skills. Schools play a gigantic role in contributing to leadership development through diverse opportunities and responsibilities. From classroom assignments to extracurricular activities, students must have the chance to lead projects, coordinate events, and collaborate with their peers on a regular basis. In Bangladesh, there are already a few schools like Glenrich School Dhaka that are fostering leadership skills in their schools through wide-ranging initiatives. With the goal of sparking communication, building networks, and empowering others, the school regularly hosts events like student-led conferences and TEDx. It is needless to say that whether someone is born with the “special qualities” or not, to be a leader, one has to work hard to develop and refine the characteristics of the greats. Dr  Shivananda CS The writer is Principal at Delhi Public School Dhaka News Link: Daily Observer

Embracing holistic early learning for a smooth educational transition

Embracing holistic early learning for a smooth educational transition For every child, early moments matter. When life begins, more than one million neural connections are formed each second – a pace never repeated. The brain grows with environment, experience, and surrounding people. This is why the early years of childhood come with both opportunities and risks. Early childhood is a critical stage for fostering healthy mental and overall well-being. Children’s brains are influenced by genes and environment; simultaneously babies are born ready to learn. Vision and hearing pathways develop first. Then come the early language skills and high cognitive functions. Between age two and four, a child’s vocabulary often quadruples. Thus the first 1,000 days happen to be crucial for overall personal development. Children actively participate in several activities relating to extensive brain development. With proper education, the brain is influenced to develop positive learning behaviours. Children have to spend some time away from family in early childhood education. During this time, children learn the most to be independent, build confidence and discover their surroundings and themselves. High-quality early childhood education and care provide them with a promising start. A proper early childhood education programme helps support children in the transition to school. Learners from early years and primary curriculums in Bangladesh often have to go through numerous shifts and transitions from one level of education to another. The differences in each level impact their learning processes significantly. There could be a brand-new environment to get used to, new friends to make, and different teachers to get to know. An early years programme that is holistic helps children to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need for the next chapter in their educational journey. Bearing this in mind, Glenrich School Dhaka takes the lead as the first in Bangladesh to introduce the Cambridge Early Years Programme by Cambridge Pathway. It gives a clear path to students’ educational success from ages 3-19. This means whether they move on to Cambridge Primary or another programme, they can match up to any surrounding. Cambridge Early Years is a play-based programme that helps young learners develop independently. The programme will help learners transition seamlessly to primary school, moving from informal, play-based learning to more formal teaching. When we give children the best start, the benefits are immense. Fostering healthy and comprehensive early childhood curriculums must be our key goal. Physical development, cognitive development, language, and communication development are the four key areas that ensure early childhood and social and emotional development. Cambridge Early Years programme helps learners to meet internationally established milestones for early development. More schools should begin emphasising children’s early education as much as secondary education with the same or similar programmes. Dr Shivananda CS is the Principal at Glenrich, Dhaka.   News Link: The Daily Star